WheelbuildingParts.com High Strength Aluminum Nipples

WheelbuildingParts.com High Strength Aluminum Nipples


The highly colorfull WheelbuildingParts.com High Strength Aluminum Nipples are made from 7000-series aircraft alloy, which is significantly harder than the alloy material used by other manufacturers. If there is a color not to your liking, please don’t hesitate to ask for your custom color match.


WheelbuildingParts.com High Strength Aluminum Nipples are made from 7000-series aircraft alloy. This makes them a stronger choice over the alloy nipples used by other manufacturers. Wheelbuildingparts.com nipples do not lose integrity under the high tension put on them during your wheel builds, meaning the chance of the nipple head braking while riding is significantly less than other nipples. WheelbuildingParts.com aluminum nipples have the industry’s best anodization. They are available in a range of colors as well as 100% USA made.

Aluminum nipples are about one-third the mass of a brass nipple. However, they are not suited for coastal or prolonged wet environments. If you do live near coastal or heavily wet areas, we suggest you use brass nipples.

Additional information:

  • Weight: 32 nipples weigh 9.90g (12mm length); 0.309g / nipple
  • Colors: black, silver, red, blue, gold, mango, green, purple, pink
  • Length: 12mm, 14mm
  • Diameter: 2.0mm
  • Configurations: 10, 20, 24, 28, 32, 64, 72, 100 count
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